Interview met Jost Faganel (CEO ULU)

11 mei 2015 om 15:52 door PIM Redactie

Interview met Jost Faganel (CEO ULU)

Steeds meer bedrijven willen of doen 'iets' met big data maar weinigen hebben hun hele businessmodel erop gebaseerd. ULU wel. Het gebruikt de data van je auto om diensten rondom slimme mobiliteit te creëren. Rijvaardigheden, parkeerlocatie of brandstofverbruik, alles wordt geanalyseerd en begrijpbaar gemaakt voor individuen, verzekeraars, leasemaatschappijen en fleet managers. In aanloop van de aanstaande kennissessie over Big Data interviewden we ULU's CEO en (Engelstalige) spreker Jost Faganel.

What’s on your mind?

What can I tell you about big data, that hasn’t already been said, and that you don’t already know :)

Does big data kill creativity?

I would say the opposite. Big data & creativity go hand in hand. Big Data is a great enabler for creativity and vice versa. In the “old” data world creative minds had to think within barriers of the dataset when trying to be creative. Today all sorts of information is available in an intelligent and structured way allowing creative minds to include out of the box thinking analysis in creative processes. To utilise big data, you need to think outside the box and you need to be creative to do so.

With all these big, quantative data, how does qualitative data/research fit in? 

Each type of data has its own purpose. I believe these methods should be combined for a comprehensive analytical approach both in how they are collected and later combined in the analysis.                   

Let’s pretend I am a mid-sized company wanting to ‘do something’ with big data, what could be a starting point?

Big data is in everybody’s lives today, not just business but also private. As a business - big or small, its always about knowing your customers. Including big data in your CRM it could be simply about understanding the likes and dislikes of your customers, their whereabouts etc. Knowing this when choosing who to target, what to offer improves your probability of converting a lead into a customer. Having better insight on who your customer is, increases the probability of retaining this customer… Your customer, potential or existing is always a good starting point when wanting to “do something” with Big data.

How can we make sure we will not get buried by big data?

I don’t believe we will get buried in big data. Its already there. Technologies to store and analyse these datasets are available and affordable. Our lives are already digitalised. I believe the biggest challenge ahead of us is where the limit of "what machines know" is. Where will a human decision still be necessary if any machine can answer all the questions in the world? And coming back to creativity - until we stay creative, we will keep ahead of big data and drive it wisely. 

Meer leren over big data?

Ontdek het hele verhaal achter het succes van ULU en leer van cases van De Telegraaf, SAP en van consultant Robert van Ossenbruggen tijdens de kennissessie Big Data op 19 mei in Den Bosch. Bekijk het volledige programma en schrijf je in!

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